Cases refuses to drop Barcelona complaint

Barcelona socio Jordi Cases says he will not drop his complaint against the club until he has a written agreement that they will not pursue damages.

The Spanish High Court ruled that investigations into the transfer fee for Neymar would continue after Cases initially brought them his complaint over the deal, with former president Sandro Rosell ultimately resigning last week as allegations of misappropriated funds emerged.

Since Rosell's departure, there have been suggestions that Cases could opt to drop his complaint against the club, with his agent indicating he could be tempted to do so at the end of last week.

Cases, however, says he will wait until he receives written confirmation from the Camp Nou side that they will not pursue damages against him as a result of the investigation into the Neymar deal before dropping the action.

"I'm calm because [vice-president of social areas Jordi] Cardoner and [president Josep] Bartomeu have given me their word [that they will not seek damages]. But I want it in writing," he told a press conference.

"Barca threatened that they were going to ask for a lot of money in damages. It would be a very high-level dispute. I am relaxed about it, but [Toni] Freixa has refused to give me a written agreement, so I will not withdraw the complaint.

"We put ourselves on 'stand-by' and wait patiently for movement from Barca."
