Arsène Wenger expects talks over new Arsenal contract will be 'straightforward' after Stan Kroenke gives backing

Arsène Wenger has predicted that talks over a new contract should be quick and “straightforward” after Stan Kroenke, the club’s majority owner, gave his full endorsement to the Frenchman remaining manager in “the long-term”.

In an interview with Telegraph Sport, Kroenke said that Wenger was absolutely central to his plans for Arsenaland that, although it would be Wenger's choice, he was unequivocal in wanting to keep the club’s most successful ever manager.
Wenger has previously suggested that he still feels a need to prove himself before extending a contract that expires next year but gave a clear indication this morning that he wants to sign a deal that will take him into his third decade at the club.
“The good thing with me, if I have one quality, you don't need a lot of talks to extend the contract I have,” said Wenger. Asked when he would sign the contract, he said: “I don't know. When we find time. I don't think that's the most important problem at the moment.
“I am very honoured to have the support of Stan Kroenke. That he thinks I can help the club is a huge confidence vote. That is something for me that is very positive. I said I want to focus on the quality of our season. I don't believe that anybody can question my commitment to this club. I want to feel that I do well and then the question of me staying will be secondary after that.
“I turned many offers down because I rate what I got here and I always thought that this club is special on that front. In our job it's important to know what you want and I rated the qualities that this club has always shown.”
